Americana Outdoors E-Magazine - October 2019
The SPRO Little John is a great crankbait that’s avail- able in a wide range of sizes and models. With a depth range of 4-24 ft., the whole lineup offers something different for the angler. Listen as Drew Cook tells you more about the Little John. Moving onto a few of our Little John Crankbaits we’ll start off with the Super DD 90 . The Little John Super DD 90 Deep Diving crank- bait was designed by B.A.S.S. Elite Series Angler John Crews. The Little John Super DD 90 crankbait dives 24 ft. on 12 lb. mono line and features a streamlined body that reduces drag in the water and creates less resis- tance while cranking. The Little John Super DD 90 has an individual vibration, a subtle sound and a major vi- bration in the water with a soft tungsten weight trans- fer system for better cast ability. Next, we have the Little John DD 70 Deep Diving Crank- bait that was designed by B.A.S.S. Elite Series Angler John Crews. “I designed the Little John DD 70 to be the best deep diving crankbait ever created!” Dives Deep- er, casts further and fishes easier than any other deep diver. A unique Tungsten weight transfer system and an aerodynamic streamline design make this deep diver easy to cast and retrieve. Now we have the Little John MD 50 crankbait which was designed by B.A. S. S. Elite Series Angler John Crews. This medium diver crankbait runs about 9 feet deep on 10 lb monofilament line to get down to those fish hanging in the mid depth zone where predators like to feed giving you the ultimate bite!
Last but certainly not least, we have the Little John XL 70 crankbait that was designed by B.A.S.S. Elite Series Angler John Crews to be a greater sized hard vibrating crankbait. The larger size and increased diving depth really improve your chances to catch greater trophy bass. The Little John XL 70 crankbait features a soft tungsten weight transfer system that does three things, one increases casting distance, two with increased distance bait stays in the strike zone longer, and three, it has a subtle thumping sound that drives larger fish crazy. All of these Little John Crankbaits come with sticky sharp Gamakatsu treble hooks that will ensure you will not lose your fish once they bite, and these baits also come in a variety of fishing colors to choose from! Be sure to check them out on their website!
Click the PLAY button to learn more about Little John by SPRO
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