Americana Outdoors E-Magazine - March 2021
HUNTING WHITETAIL WITH THE TRIJICON HURON RIFLESCOPE BY WADE MIDDLETON In deer hunting, many hunters will have a day when they’re going to be let down by the quality of their riflescope. It happened to me when I was younger. Now that I’m older I’ve heard these same comments time and time again from other people, “I just couldn’t see him.”, “My scope was fogged up…”, “It was late, and the buck was in the shadows.” Sound familiar? The next comment is almost always… “I knew I needed a better scope, but I wanted to save a few dollars and thought this one looked good when I looked through it while I was inside the store. In most cases, the buck that got away because you couldn’t see it could have been avoided with a better riflescope. When it comes to shopping for riflescopes, this is one of those times you need to spend more on and not less. Far too many of us go grab a rifle, throw a cheap scope on there, and don’t pay attention to the scope mounts, the quality of the lens, how well the scope is built or how it’s going to perform in low light situations. This can all be avoided if you
will take a bit of time and think about the next few paragraphs and keep in mind the following: – The clarity and ability to gather light in low light and rainy situations – How fast can you acquire the target through the scope RIFLESCOPE CLARITY & LIGHT GATHERING The clarity factor when it comes to optics is such a big deal. During low light situations, what is happening a lot when you’re hunting is that light is not your friend. Since deer tend to move at dawn and dusk, or in really bad rainy/nasty conditions, it’s not going to be sunny and bright outside. So because of that, the light gathering capability of a riflescope is something that is a huge factor between different brands. When you go into your local Bass Pro Shops or Cabela’s, and lift a riflescope up to take a look at all the great mounts on the wall (that are in a well-lit building) of course almost all scopes are going to look good! But when you can get outside at dawn or dusk and in different lighting conditions, those riflescopes that were – What crosshair pattern fits your style
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