Americana Outdoors E-Magazine - June 2023

The original U-V-Killer has changed how hunters think about camouflage. It has been proven that animals and birds have sensitivity to ultraviolet light and the 438nm short-blue wavelengths that humans are blind to. U-V-Killer absorbs U-V wavelengths and thereby eliminates the blue glow caused by fabric dyes and detergents that contain U-V brighteners. U-V Killer eliminates the brighteners from your camouflage making your camouflage almost invisible to the keen eyes of deer and other game. It has been proven that animals and birds have sensitivity to ultraviolet light and the 438nm short-blue wavelengths that humans are blind to. U-V-Killer absorbs U-V wavelengths and thereby eliminates the blue glow caused by fabric dyes and detergents that contain U-V brighteners. STOP THE GLOW


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