Americana Outdoors E-Magazine - February 2024
Not only will the right treatment formula help neutralize the impurities you may get in a bass boat livewell, it will also help fish heal from whatever they’ve endured in their environment or while they were hooked and handled. Unlike lesser granules and formulas, G-Juice is designed to treat the water and the fish in a wide variety of ways. Among other benefits, G-Juice mixes easily, activates instantly, detoxifies water, stops fish from bleeding, and replaces a fish’s slime coat. With those qualities, it’s easy to see why so many anglers count on G-Juice to help them avoid dead fish penalties and conserve the fisheries where they compete. MAKE IT EASY TO BREATHE BY ADDING OXYGEN
confines of a livewell.
In addition to the livewell management techniques listed below, clip-on cull weights improve a fish’s chances of survival when they might otherwise go belly-up. Simply attach the cull weight to the fish’s cull clip ring, right at the lip, and give your fish a better chance to rebalance the air in its system. TREAT YOUR LIVEWELL WATER AND HEAL YOUR FISH
Bass can’t breathe without oxygen in the water and breathing gets even more difficult for them when livewell water isn’t refreshed, when it gets warm, and when fish have already processed the oxygen that was available to them. Adding fresh, cool water can definitely help, but it’s a game changer when you can directly provide more oxygen for your bass to breathe. Like the name suggests, T-H Marine’s Oxygenator adds oxygen to your bass boat livewell, and it does this automatically as soon as you fill it. Installation is easy, too, even when retrofitting an older livewell. Once you have it rigged, you’ll be injecting 100% pure oxygen into your livewell so
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