Americana Outdoors E-Magazine - February 2024
Bradley Hallman, BeatDown Outdoors Pro proudly introduces the latest addition to his arsenal – the Dual Console Mount from BeatDown Outdoors. The features that this new dual console mount offers have significantly improved Hallman’s fishing experience, making his time spent on the water more efficient and enjoyable with this innovative mount. VERSATILITY AND EASE OF ADJUSTMENT: The BeatDown Outdoors Dual Console Mount has swiftly become an indispensable component of Bradley Hallman’s fishing setup. As an angler who typically runs two graphs on the front deck, the versatility of this mount shines when the need arises to allow him to see three graphs, instead of just the two, up front. Its user-friendly design allows for easy adjustments, making transitions between setups a breeze. Whether Hallman is using Garmin Livescope Forward Facing Sonar for precise fish targeting or relying on GPS for navigation, the Dual Console Mount allows him to effortlessly spin his graphs mounted at the console to face him on the deck
without the hassle of tangled wires. Now he can look at three screens from the deck of his boat and glance back at his waypoints. When it’s time to get back behind the wheel and move to the next spot, a simple turn of the graph and twist of the mount secures the graph, even in challenging conditions like big water or rough waves. The tightness and reliability of the mount ensure that Hallman’s graphs stay put, providing peace of mind while out on the water. CUSTOMIZABLE SPACING FOR IMPROVED VISIBILITY:
BeatDown Outdoors has truly thought of
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